Morgen and Trisha are 1st time new moms. Come along each week as they document their mom journey, touching on everything from their "geriatric" pregnancies, food ideas for the little ones, the time baby poop got all over the place, breastfeeding successes and stresses, and so much more. They hope you will laugh right along with them because isn't that really the best way to go through this crazy beautiful ride of mom-hood?
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Daily Parenting Reminders When Dealing with Toddlers
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Life goes by so quickly, especially life with kids! Morgen and Trisha discuss some daily parenting reminders they try to be mindful of as they navigate toddlerhood. Charlie and Remi can seem wise beyond their three years, and Morgen and Trisha can forget how young they are. They try to remain open and understand how Charlie and Remi feel and aid the girls in expressing their emotions. Staying calm when the girls have BIG feelings tests both Morgen and Trisha. Setting limits as parents has allowed them to respect their own needs. They try their best to model what calming their own body looks like. How to respectfully stick up for themselves is easier said than done with the toddlers testing their boundaries. Listen in for some of Morgen’s ideas about the peace corner and how useful a pinwheel can be. Trisha has a list of daily reminders she looks over before starting her day.
All we can expect of ourselves is what we expect of our children: to show up every day and learn right along with them. Be kind to yourself!
Do you have parenting reminders or things you try to always be mindful of? Please share with us at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com. Morgen and Trisha would love to hear from you!
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
We Got Covid
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Covid strikes Morgen & Trisha’s households! What an unpredictable virus Covid is. It doesn’t matter how calloused your nose is from the excessive mask-wearing or the shriveled-up skin from the constant hand washing. It still can get you. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to who and when people get it. Morgen had colds that hit her harder than Covid, while Trisha couldn’t get out of bed for two days. Regardless of their symptoms, having the kids while sick was the worse part for both Morgen & Trisha.
Meanwhile, Charlie, Auggie, and Remi still have not gotten it (and hopefully don’t) despite all the positive cases at school and having it at home.
Remi has been out of school for 2 1/2 months this year alone because of mandated quarantines. At this point, Trisha is just over quarantines since kids and people are getting Covid with and without quarantines, so she questions how effective these quarantines are.
Is anyone else ready for Covid to be over!?! Morgen is pushing for a mask-burning party. Let’s do it! Also, you’re not going to want to miss these momfessions. Please do share your best momfession, with us at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
First Birthday Extravaganza in Covid Times, While Being the 2nd Child
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
1st birthdays are always a big deal for parents, and just recently, we celebrated Auggie’s! Side note, wasn’t he just born? How is he one already?
What does going all-out for your child’s 1st birthday mean to you? Morgen shares what her all-out rock concert-themed party was like. Don’t forget your backstage access pass when you walk in—just saying.
Morgen and Trisha also discuss the differences between 1st birthdays with Covid and without Covid and between 1st born and 2nd born. The primary difference being the calmer mood, yes please to that!
There is always the gift aspect to birthdays. Trisha talks about the fantastic and unusual gifts SHE received for Remi’s birthday. Yes, you read correctly. Trisha received gifts for Remi’s 1st birthday. They were a ‘congrats on making it to 1 year. You deserve to take time for yourself since your whole first year has been invested in your child. Think gift certificate and babysitting so Trisha could get her hair cut and a bottle of wine) !
Share all your birthday stories with us, from the extravagant details to the surprises you loved and didn’t love, at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
The Stress Of Finding A Pre-School
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
It's time to send your baby off to school, pre-school. But what school is right for you? The task is nearly as daunting as buying the right house. Trisha is frustrated with Remi's current school from the lack of communication, days off from Covid, and the sweet treats handed out at the door. Trisha is now on the hunt and struggles to find a school that checks all the boxes. Is that even possible?
One school seems perfect, but it is only open for 2 hours! That won't work for two parents that work full time. Another school prioritizes activities and outdoor times with a rock wall and yoga classes but seems too militant as a whole. So the search continues for the right school for Remi, and it has Trisha stressed. Not to mention the cost of it all. Morgen is grateful she could bypass the anxiety of it all. She lends a listening ear and offers a few suggestions of her own in the quest for Remi's new school.
Share your pre-school struggles, the things you love about yours, or just write in for any ol' reason at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com .
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Oh Sweet Child Of Mine, Your Hair Is Nothing Like Mine
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Morgen and Trisha didn't think twice about treating Charlie and Remi's hair the same way as their own. Until recently, they have been using similar products and brushes/combs on the girls for three years. Charlie and Remi's hair had grown longer and had become harder to manage. Morgen and Trisha decided it was time to switch things up.
Morgen realized she wasn't getting Charlie's knots when her sister-in-law spent two hours on Charlie's hair, and it was transformed. Trisha realized she had been battling a rat's nest behind Remi's head for far too long. That's when the ladies of the show had an "ah-ha" moment and decided it was time to start educating themselves on the types of hair the girls have. They're introducing the girls to new ways of styling and making sure they love their hair as much as their mama's do.
Product info is in the 'links' section below. You'll want to listen to the end because this episode's momfession theme is about bathroom disasters. Please do share your hair stories with us at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com
Pipette Leave-In Hair Detangler:
Crave Naturals Glide Thru Detangling Brush: https://www.amazon.com/Detangling-Brush-Detangler-Tangle-Adults/dp/B00CGN9LQ8?maas=maas_adg_62215DB7408ED2C086AD8C45AE70F697_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&keyword=crave%20naturals%20detangling%20brush&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-eyM5_-59gIVB_nICh2wQgszEAAYASAAEgLipvD_BwE
Wet Brush:
Shea moisture:
Brush for Curly Hair: Denman
Denman Classic Cepillos
Hair Love:
My Hair Is Magic:
Curl Custard:
Super Curl Conditioner:
DevaCurl Products:
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Step-Parenting and Teenager, Oof!
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
In this week’s episode, Morgen & Trisha talk not only about teenagers but also navigating this already tricky stage while also being a step-parent. Jack is a month away from being 18, and soon, he’ll be an adult going off to college 10 hours away from home. Being a child of divorce means his time is split evenly between both households, so all parties already feel like time with him is limited. Now knowing he will be off on his own soon, Trisha fears that she hasn’t cultivated a strong enough connection to maintain the level of what their relationship is now through the distance. Essentially, she and Jacen wish they could turn back time to get more of it with Jack. What parent doesn’t feel that way with teenagers, though?!
Morgen and Trisha talk about fears, mood swings, teenagers and toddlers, and everything in between. Does anyone from the parenting tribe want to chime in on their teenager experiences?! Please do share with us at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com, and thanks for listening in!
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
It’s Auggie Time... The Little Brother Finally Gets The Spotlight
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
This episode focuses on our newest addition to Mom Jeans and Minivans, Auggie! Well, he’s not that new, he’s 10 months old already… where does the time go?!
Where Auggie used to be called “Mr. Chill”, he’s becoming a little too intense to maintain that name. He is strong.. and persistent. Couple those things together and Mr. Chill isn’t chillin’ too much anymore. He’s scaling furniture, climbing stairs, trying to do anything Charlie is doing, is 23lbs and has 4 teeth. We’ve got a picky eater on our hands and one who’s never been much of a great sleeper. He’s a happy little guy though and finds moments to be a gentle, snuggly teddy bear and that’s what is really important. He’s a dare devil, loves things that make sounds like the door stop, throwing anything he can get his hands on and playing chase around the house.
Morgen and Trisha tried their best to keep the focus on Auggie but it somehow always goes back to Charlie & Remi. Sorry little guy, we have a feeling the girl’s might always try to steal the spotlight.
Enjoy getting the scoop on Auggie and if you’ve got anything to share please reach us at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com .
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Toddler Sleep Regression, Ugh
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Noooo! Charlie and Remi are transitioning out of their naps!
It took Trisha and Jacen about 2-3 weeks to figure out a new schedule for Remi that had her napping later in the day and for shorter lengths. It has been key to a balanced day and night sleep, resulting in a happier toddler.
Morgen’s struggle is when she misses the sleep window. Any parent who misses the precious window, whether food or sleep, knows that it is a window you never want to miss again.
Listen in as Morgen and Trisha discuss the difference between nightmares and night terrors, the wrath of a sleepy toddler, and the struggle they are dealing with in their new sleep schedules.
This episode came with a beverage du jour for Morgen & Trisha, and we hope you’ll have one with us and share your toddler stories at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com !
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
The Struggle of Childcare Is Real
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Do any other parents out there struggle to balance parenting, childcare, occupations, and just life in general?!? Two hands are raised over here!
This episode focuses on the childcare aspect of parenting and life. Both Morgen and Phil work, add Covid to the mix, and finding childcare for Auggie has posed a real challenge. Morgen speaks about the four different providers she’s had to use in just three months, the avenues she went down to find them, the high price point of childcare, mixed in with someone that meets her criteria. It’s stressful, to say the least!
Please share your experiences, especially any listeners outside of the United States. Morgen and Trisha are always intrigued to hear how things differ internationally. We can be reached at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com
Happy child-rearing!
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
The Holiday Season is Here!
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
The holidays are here! Happy holidays to our MJAMV tribe!
Are you ready? I mean, who's ever really prepared, lol.
Morgen and Trisha discuss what the holidays mean to them and their plans for the season. Creating and maintaining traditions is something essential to them both. After their tree cutting, Ms. Claus will leave Charlie and August pajamas, while the reindeer may accidentally leave a bell or two behind. Trisha also cherishes her family tree-cutting experience every year. While the holidays can be hectic, Morgen has set a goal this year to have the house decorated and presents wrapped by the beginning of December so she can enjoy the drive-thru light shows, baking, and holiday cheer stress-free. After the passing of her brother-in-law and Jack getting older, Trisha is finding new ways to create cherished memories.
August is still too little to know what is going on, but with Charlie and Remi being three, they understand a little more about what is happening, which makes seeing the wonder in their eyes so exciting!
What do the holidays mean to you? We'd love to hear at momjeansandminivans@yahoo.com! The Mom Jeans and Minivans family wish you and your family the healthiest, safest, and merriest of holidays! Here's to 2022!